Homeschool laws vary by state. Find your homeschool organization to learn your state’s laws.
State Specific Organizations
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AlabamaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Alabama. Compulsory school attendance age: 6 to 17The parent of a child who is 6 may opt out of enrolling the child in school by notifying the local school board in writing that the child will not be enrolling until age 7. Children attending a church school may withdraw from school as early as age 16. Notification RequirementsFile an annual attendance report for each child, each year, within five days of the start of public school, with the district office. Withdrawal RequirementsFile your first annual attendance report to the district office, then send a withdrawal letter (page 21) to your student’s school. Testing Requirementsnone Curriculum Requirementsnone Other Requirements180 days annually and you must keep a record of attendance. Must file for an exemption for immunizations. Resources |
HawaiiThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Hawaii. |
MichiganThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Michigan. |
North Carolina
North CarolinaCompulsory school attendance age: 7 to 16Notification RequirementsSubmit a Letter of Intent (only one required per household) after July 1st of the year you start homeschooling. Withdrawal RequirementsSend a Letter of Intent, a copy of your high school diploma, and a note that reads, ““PRIORITY HANDLING REQUESTED; CHILD IS CURRENTLY IN A YEAR-ROUND SCHOOL,” to the superintendent of your child’s school. Testing RequirementsMust take a Nationally Standardized Test every year which includes the following: math, English grammar, reading and spelling. Find a list of North Carolina’s accepted tests here. Curriculum RequirementsNone Other RequirementsThe child’s educator must have a high school diploma. Must be taught 9 months per year. Vaccinations and records thereof required. ResourcesNorth Carolina Homeschool Information |
UtahThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Utah. |
AlaskaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Alaska. |
IdahoThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Idaho. |
MinnesotaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Minnesota. |
North Dakota
North DakotaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in North Dakota. |
VermontVermontCompulsory school attendance age: 6 to 16Notification RequirementsYou must complete a Home Study Enrollment Form. See Other Requirement below for students entering kindergarten or pre-K. For all students 12 and over, or students under 12 who have not homeschooled for the last two consecutive years, you must submit a Minimum Course of Study (MCOS): a list of skills and topics, scope and sequence, outline or narrative for each of the topic areas that the student will be learning about during the course of the school year. If the student is age 13 or older at the time of enrollment, you are not required to provide a MCOS for physical education, health and fine arts. Students with special needs must also have the MCOS Adaptations page completed. You should receive written receipt of these forms within 14 business days. Withdrawal RequirementsIn addition to the notification requirements above, contact the student’s school to ask if there are additional requirements before withdrawing from public school. Testing RequirementsAnnual Progress Reporting in one of these formats:
Curriculum RequirementsYou must teach these 11 subjects:
Other RequirementsFamilies starting a child’s education with homeschooling need to have an independent evaluation for possible learning disabilities. In lieu of this form, you may also submit: a special education evaluation, IEP, 504 Plan, results from a screening or summary from a physician, licensed special educator, license related service provider, psychologist/psychiatrist, or licensed classroom teacher or other professional evidence. ResourcesVermont Home Study Program Statutes Although there is no state homeschooling organization, we highly recommend connecting with one of these local homeschool groups, since homeschooling requirements in Vermont are much more stringent than in other states. Groups are great places to get advice and find mentor families. |
ArizonaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Arizona. |
IllinoisThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Illinois. |
MississippiThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Mississippi. |
OhioThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Ohio. |
VirginiaThis state is affiliated with Home Educators Association of Virginia.
ArkansasCompulsory school attendance age: 5 to 17If you submit a kindergarten waiver form to the school district, your child may skip kindergarten and start school at 6. Notification RequirementsEach year, by August 15, you must notify the school district superintendent by filing a notice of intent and waiver form. Although the state does not set formal requirements on such matters, you must describe your educational qualifications, curriculum plan and schedule. Whenever you relocate to another school district, file a new form within 30 days. Withdrawal RequirementsParents who withdraw their child during the school year must file the waiver at least two weeks in advance. If you intend to withdraw your child after the first semester, file the waiver by December 15. Testing RequirementsNone Curriculum RequirementsNone Other RequirementsNone Resources |
IndianaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Indiana. |
MissouriCompulsory school attendance age: 7-16Notification RequirementsNone Withdrawal RequirementsSubmit a withdrawal letter to your local superintendent. Testing RequirementsNo testing required but you must evaluate your child’s academic progress. Keep records of your evaluation. Curriculum RequirementsNone Other Requirements1,000 hours per year. Six hundred hours of the 1,000 hours must be spent teaching required subjects and 400 of the 600 hours must be at the primary homeschool location. Resources |
OklahomaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. |
WashingtonThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. |
CaliforniaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in California. |
IowaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Iowa. |
MontanaCompulsory school attendance age: 7-16Notification RequirementsNotify your county superintendent each year you choose to homeschool. Submit the notification form provided by your county superintendent of schools. See Montana County Superintendent of Schools List Withdrawal RequirementsContact your child’s school about preferred method of withdrawal. Testing RequirementsNone Curriculum RequirementsYou are required to teach basic educational subjects taught in Montana public schools. Other Requirements360 hours per year for kindergarten; 720 hours per year for grades 1-3; 1,080 hours per year for grades 4-12. You must keep records of your child’s immunizations and homeschool attendance. Resources |
OregonThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Oregon. |
West Virginia
West VirginiaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in West Virginia. |
ColoradoThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Colorado. Compulsory school attendance age: 6 by August 1Notification RequirementsHome-based Education Law: File a Notice of Intent (NOI) 14 days prior to start date. Withdrawal RequirementsHome-based Education Law: The NOI acts as the withdrawal. Testing RequirementsHome-based Education Law: Grades 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 with Nationally Standardized Achievement Test or Professional Evaluation Curriculum RequirementsBoth the Home-based Education Law and the Non-Public School law state subjects that must be covered in a sequential fashion but does not stipulate specific curriculum Other RequirementsBoth the Home-based Education Law and the Non-Public School law require 172 days. In addition, the Home-based education law also requires an average of 4 hours per day. ResourcesPartner Organizations: CHEC Independent School (,,, EventsIntroductory and High School Seminars, annual state conference, online training summits, Father-Son Retreat, Ladies Refresh Day, Graduation events, Single Mom Banquet, Day at the Capitol Key PublicationsUpdate Magazine, informative e-lerts, Blog, CHEC Guidebook, Civics Curriculum, Future Statesman Handbook |
KansasCompulsory school attendance age: 7-18Note: homeschooling is not considered a legal option in Kansas. However, the definition of private schools include homeschools. Notification RequirementsKansas requires that homeschools be registered with the state. Registration only needs to happen once, at the beginning of your homeschool, and does not need to be renewed later. Withdrawal RequirementsTo withdraw from a public school, fill out any forms the school requires and inform them of your intent to homeschool. Make sure to request copies of your student’s records as well. Testing Requirementsnone Curriculum RequirementsHomeschoolers are required to teach for an equivalent amount of time as public schools. This comes to 186 days per year, 6 hours per day for students grades 1-11. However, no requirements are placed on which particular days are utilized. No special subjects or curriculum are required either. Other RequirementsKansas requires homeschool teachers to be “competent instructors”. However, no legal definition exists for this, and the Kansas attorney general has said that homeschooling parents do not need to be certified as teachers. Resources |
NebraskaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Nebraska. |
PennsylvaniaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Pennsylvania. |
WisconsinCompulsory school attendance age: 6 to 18Notification RequirementsSubmit an online affidavit every year by October 15. Withdrawal RequirementsSubmit the above-mentioned online affidavit and contact the school about other requirements before withdrawing the student from public school. Testing Requirementsnone Curriculum RequirementsYou must teach at least these subjects:
Other RequirementsStudents must attend school 875 hours a year. Resources |
ConnecticutThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Connecticut. |
KentuckyCompulsory school attendance age: 6-16Notification RequirementsHomeschooling parents are required to send a letter of intent to the district superintendent, either 10 days before school begins or at most 2 weeks after public school begins. If you begin homeschooling later in the school year, you may send the letter later, but it must be sent promptly in any case. The letter must be sent each year that you continue to homeschool, and must contain your students’ names, ages and addresses. Withdrawal RequirementsYou must withdraw your child from any public school they are attending by sending a letter of withdrawal containing your name, signature, names of children to be withdrawn, your address, and the date. Neglect to do so can label your child as a dropout or truant. Testing RequirementsNone Curriculum RequirementsHomeschools are required to be in session for at least 185 days of the year. The following subjects are required as well:
Other RequirementsKentucky law requires homeschoolers to keep records of attendance, grades and courses taken. A portfolio of each student’s work is recommended but not required. All students are also required to be vaccinated, although homeschoolers do not have to submit proof of immunization. Resources |
NevadaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Nevada. |
Rhode Island
Rhode IslandCompulsory school attendance age: 6-18Notification RequirementsIf your child is enrolled in public school, you must send the school a Notice of Intent to Homeschool,and a local school committee must give their approval for you to legally homeschool (you should receive letter of approval by mail). Withdrawal RequirementsIf you child’s form has a specific withdrawal form to use, submit that. If there is no specific form, write and submit a withdrawal letter, otherwise the school may consider your child absent and charge you for truancy. Testing RequirementsNone However, some school districts will require an end of year report. The decision of what type of evaluation will be used to measure your child is up to you. Curriculum RequirementsRhode Island state law requires these subjects to be taught in your homeschool:
Other RequirementsHomeschooled students must be taught for 180 days per year. Keep records of which days you teach (they do not have to be during the school year). Keep records of your child’s immunization/exemption papers (although immunizations are not required for homeschooled students) and any correspondence with your child’s former public school. Also consider keeping samples of your child’s academic work for the next two years (should it be needed). ResourcesRhode Island Department Of Education ENRICHri (A Rhode Island Home Education Community) |
WyomingThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Wyoming. |
DelawareCompulsory school attendance age: 5 to 16At the parent’s request, school officials may evaluate whether the child is ready for kindergarten and may postpone their enrollment until 6. Notification RequirementsOpen an online account with the Delaware Department of Education to create your school. You will be sent a document acknowledging your new homeschool. Each year, submit enrollment information by October 5 and attendance records by July 31. Withdrawal RequirementsTo withdraw your child, you must go to their school and present the acknowledgement that you received from the Department of Education. Testing RequirementsNone Curriculum RequirementsNone Other RequirementsKeep an attendance record for your child. ResourcesDelaware Statute on Compulsory Attendance Delaware Statute on Homeschooling |
LouisianaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Louisiana. |
New Hampshire
New HampshireThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in New Hampshire. Compulsory school attendance age: 6 to 18Notification RequirementsSend a letter of intent or your own written letter (must include name, birth date and address of the child) to the superintendent of your local school district within 5 business days of beginning to homeschool. Withdrawal RequirementsContact your local school district and inform them you are withdrawing your student. Ask if they require a withdrawal form. If so, fill out and send it in. Also send a letter of intent to the superintendent after withdrawing your child. Testing RequirementsYearly education evaluation. Can be achieved by:
Note that these actions must be completed by each student each year they are homeschooled. Curriculum RequirementsMust include math, science, health, language, reading, writing, spelling, government, History of the Constitutions of New Hampshire and the U.S., and Art and Music appreciation. Other RequirementsThe educator of the child must be the child’s parent or legal guardian. Must keep a portfolio for each child containing worksheets, workbooks, any creative materials used or created by your child, a list of all reading materials your child used (listed by title) and your child’s writing samples. Resources |
South Carolina
South CarolinaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in South Carolina. |
District of Columbia
District of ColumbiaCompulsory school attendance age: 5 to 18Notification RequirementsEach year by August 15, you must notify the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) by submitting a notification of intent. First-time homeschoolers must file the notification within 15 days of starting to homeschool. Withdrawal RequirementsAfter filing the notification of intent, follow the particular withdrawal procedures described by your child’s school. Testing RequirementsNone Curriculum RequirementsAll homeschooled students must be taught the eight core subjects of art, health, language, mathematics, music, physical education, science and social studies. Other RequirementsParents must have a high school diploma or GED to homeschool their children, unless granted special permission by the superintendent. Keep a one-year portfolio documenting all of your child’s work. The superintendent may ask to review it twice per year. ResourcesDistrict of Columbia Statute on Compulsory Attendance |
MaineThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Maine. |
New Jersey
New JerseyThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in New Jersey. |
South Dakota
South DakotaNotification RequirementsYou must notify your local school district of your intent to homeschool your child. There are two different notification certificates: one is for your initial notification (when you are about to begin homeschooling) and the annual notification certificate must be submitted to your local school district each year that you homeschool your child. Withdrawal RequirementsIf your child is attending public school, you must officially withdraw them before homeschooling by sending an initial notification form to your child’s school. Testing RequirementsIn fourth, eighth and eleventh grades, your child is required to take a nationally standardized achievement test and you must submit your child’s score to your local school district. Your child may test somewhere beside your local school, but there will be a fee for taking the test elsewhere. Curriculum RequirementsYou are required to teach the two subjects in your homeschool (although we recommend teaching more subjects to give your child a well-rounded education):
Other RequirementsYou are required to homeschool your child for the same amount of time that a public school would teach a student in a year. This equals at least 437 hours per year for kindergarten, 875 hours per year for 1-5 grades and 962 hours per year for grades 6-12. South Dakota homeschool law requires you to keep your child’s birth certificate in your homeschool records. It is recommended to keep samples of your child’s work should ever need proof that your child is being educated. There are no qualifications for parents to meet in order to homeschool their child. Resources |
FloridaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Florida. |
This state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Maryland. Compulsory school attendance age: 5-16Notification RequirementsFile a homeschool notification form for each child with your local superintendent 15 days before you begin homeschooling. Withdrawal RequirementsNotify your local school via email, letter or in-person. Also file a Maryland homeschool notification form. Testing RequirementsYou must meet with a representative to review your child’s portfolio at the end of each semester, not exceeding three times annually. Additionally, the child may take standardized testing administered by the local school. Curriculum Requirements8 subjects are required: English, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, health and physical education. Other RequirementsThe child must be taught on a regular basis and receive as many hours of instruction as necessary to meet the standard achievement level for his grade. Keep a portfolio of your child’s work, including instructional materials, reading materials, writing samples, worksheets, workbooks, creative materials or tests. You must improve your child’s homeschool program within 30 days if his representative notifies you in writing that he is not receiving proper instruction. Children being homeschooled under an umbrella school must be vaccinated. ResourcesMaryland State Department of Education Maryland Homeschool Association |
New Mexico
New MexicoThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in New Mexico. |
TennesseeNotification RequirementsYou are required to send a Notice of Intent to Homeschool to your local school director each year that you homeschool. Withdrawal RequirementsIf your child is attending a public school, send and submit the Notice of Intent to Homeschool to your local school director, then contact your child’s school and ask if there are any other pertinent withdrawal forms that need to be filled out. Testing RequirementsHomeschooled students in Tennessee are required to take a standardized test at the end of grades 5, 7 and 9. The test can be taken at your local school or through another professional testing service (if you choose the second option, you will be responsible for paying for your child’s test). Curriculum RequirementsNone Other RequirementsYou must hold a high school diploma or GED to homeschool your children and you must teach a minimum of four hours per day, 180 days per year. You must keep records of your child’s homeschool attendance and submit it to your local director of schools each year that you homeschool. You may use this attendance calendar that the Tennessee Department of Education provides each year to track your student’s attendance. Homeschool students are required to receive vaccinations. You are also required to keep records of your children’s immunizations and submit them to your local director of schools annually (along with the Notice of Intent form). Resources |
GeorgiaThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Georgia. |
MassachusettsThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in Massachusetts. Compulsory school attendance age: 6-16Notification RequirementsGet approval from your local school district. You may be asked to show your education plan, your qualifications to homeschool, your educational materials or your child’s academic progress. If your local school district refuses your request, they must prove that your homeschool plan is not equivalent to the public school plan, but they cannot require home visits. Withdrawal RequirementsSubmit a withdrawal letter and notify your local school district of your intent to homeschool. Testing RequirementsNo testing is required but the school district can require an educational assessment, including a portfolio, an assessment by a professional educator, an educational journal or a program certificate of achievement. Curriculum RequirementsYou are not required to teach specific courses, materials or methods, but you must teach the equivalent of the public school curriculum, which includes spelling, reading, writing, English language and grammar, geography, arithmetic, drawing, music, history and constitution of the United States, duties of citizenship, health education, physical education and good behavior. Other Requirements180 days per year or 900-990 hours per year, or equivalent amount of time. You may be asked by local school officials about your qualifications to homeschool, but you are not required to submit any official documentation. An assessment may be required by your local school district, including a review of your child’s portfolio, an assessment by a professional educator, an educational journal or a program certificate of achievement. ResourcesMassachusetts Department of Education Advocates for Home Education in Massachusetts (AHEM) |
New York
New YorkThis state is affiliated with the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership. Learn about homeschooling in New York. |
TexasCompulsory school attendance age: 6-18Notification RequirementsNone Withdrawal RequirementsIf your student is enrolled in public school, you are required to withdraw your child as you begin homeschooling. Testing RequirementsNone Curriculum RequirementsThere are five subjects that you are required to teach in your homeschool:
The curriculum should be in visual form (e.g. workbooks, videos, online programs, etc.). Other RequirementsThere are no qualifications that parents must meet before being allowed to homeschool their children. You are also not required to teach a certain amount of hours or days every year. You are not required to keep records of your homeschool, but it is wise to do so for jobs and colleges. However, Texas law protects homeschool students against discrimination by public universities. All students (including homeschooled students) must receive immunizations according to Texas law. However, the state does not require you to keep record of your child’s immunization record or show proof to anyone. ResourcesFor more information, see this Expanded Guide to Texas Homeschool Laws. Texas Home School Coalition (THSC) |