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Unlocking Opportunities: A Homeschool Parent’s Ultimate Guide to Discovering Scholarships for Your Child


Navigating the scholarship application process as a homeschooled student can be a daunting task. As a homeschooling parent, you play a pivotal role in shaping your child’s educational journey. Guiding your students through obtaining [...]

Unlocking Opportunities: A Homeschool Parent’s Ultimate Guide to Discovering Scholarships for Your Child2024-01-22T15:15:45-06:00

Globetrotting Education: Navigating the World of International Homeschooling


In this enlightening journey since 2011, a homeschooling family shares their story of unexpected twists and turns. From homeschooling in three different states to embracing an unforeseen opportunity to move to Israel, the family reveals the profound lessons learned abroad.

Globetrotting Education: Navigating the World of International Homeschooling2024-01-18T11:45:49-06:00

Food for the Mind: The Classical Education


If they’re not reading books in the backseat of the car, my children are enjoying the view outside the window, relating memories, making observations, asking questions, and losing themselves in daydreams.  One fall afternoon, [...]

Food for the Mind: The Classical Education2023-01-17T13:34:20-06:00
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